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Shapiro: Multinational Financial Management, Instructor's Manual. Chapter 6 .. Foundations of Multinational Financial Management 6th Edition Shapiro,. MANUAL: MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 9th Edition by Alan C. INSTRUCTORS MANUAL: MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 9TH ED. SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER 4 PROBLEMS. From base price. INSTRUCTORS MANUAL: MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 9TH ED. SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER 18 PROBLEMS. 1. Texas Computers (TC). The current discount rate on 6-month acceptances is 8.5 percent per annum and the acceptance fee is 1.25 percent per annum. In addition, there is a flat. Multinational Financial Management. ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS. 17 2 6 -1 a. A multinational corporation is one that operates in two or. 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